The steam generator DG
The GekaKonus® steam generator is a secondary heated steam generator. Thermal oil is used as heating medium.
Application/Advantages |
The capacity range of the GekaKonus® Steam Generator goes up to 25 t/h steam output and working pressure up to 20 bar on site of the steam generator is realizable. The capacity range and technical equipment occurred according to the technical requirement of the customer.
You find further technical information on every type of heater in the download area of our internet site.
Production/Equipment |
You find further technical information on every type of boiler in the download area of our internet site.
Technical Data |
Steam output: up to 25 t/h
Steam working pressure: up to 20 bar
The capacity range and technical equipment occurred according to the technical requirement of the customer.
You find further technical information on every type of boiler in the download area of our internet site.
P+I Diagram/Schema |